
by Joe Schuitema
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I wanted a vintage 50cc racing bike but didn't want to pay for an original or try to source rare vintage parts. the base bike was a 78 pa50I that in the end, I used the engine cases and gearbox. The frame and subframe are 3/4" chromoly steel, fork tubes are a yamaha pw80, and front brake off a kawasaki kz400. The radiator is from a ninja 250 and running a bosch pump. Frame and subframe are powdercoated in a "safety orange" and the bodywork is a urethane base/clear in grabber blue.


1978 Honda Hobbit




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Fix It Rick Upland,California: Sick. Totally SICK!!! Medication time.

eRiC RiVeRa: holy shit!

: over the top amazing

rev: This bike should have one hundred likes. Amazing build.

Ingo Bousa: Impressive.

WillD: not alotta action on garage these days I guess! I'm glad you put this on here. Definitely the most labor intensive and fully custom build on here, really on almost anywhere. Even full blown tens of thousand dollar custom motorcycles don't get so many custom parts (well some do) but still - the work in each individual piece of this immediately surpasses the quantity of work I've done on whole bikes. it's incredible. I'm not saying it's my favorite, but damn, you'd have to be lost to not appreciate the excruciating amount of work in this build