This bike was first built in 2011 for "Fucking Rally" in two weeks. Since then, the body and powertrain have seen different iterations, but its always had the same look and lines. The last setup was as follows: -Modified Cases -Race Crank -Ported Athena -TrickMetric Adaptor -Custom Intake -24mm OKO -Briton Bees Velocity Stack -1977 CDI -Derbi MK Head, No Decomp -Hacked Puch Simo Pipe, Lightened Clutch With Custom Brace, Doppler Clutch Springs, Modified Clutch Bell, Modified TJT Variator, Custom Weights -Modified Frame, Modified Puch EBR Forks, Modified Subframe, Handmade steel tail, Ducati Monza Tank...and there's a bunch of other shit, but that's the gist.