I bought this bike off cg and completely gutted and tore apart the engine, clutch, tranny and electrical. Decarbed everything and put it back. Then I added a polini intake, dellorto 16 carb, tuned it, new sprocket, led tail light, chain, brakes, expansion chamber, pedal, got new tires and tube including a massive 3.25 inch rear that's 4 inches at its widest. To get it to fit I stretched the bike 5 inches. I also put some custom bars and a custom stained skateboard seat. It easily cruises at 40 and with the larger front sprocket it can hit 50+. Love this girl and still want to attach a crossbar let me know what you think.
Adam Arsenault:
Crossbar fersher!
Adam Arsenault:
Crossbar fersher!