Hmmm, this bike has been through quite a bit in it's years,I got it as a bare frame in 2011 and built it up with an ajh/cali set-up that was pretty rippy, but then slowly destroyed it piece by piece. Now after several years this once bastardized and parted out junk has been resurrected into an unstoppable hill crushing, dream killing, +50mph dubs blaster. As of late has been running a kickstart e50, massaged metra80 large port w/euro kit piston, 19mm race carb, stuffy crank, simonini, hk racing clutch, cdi, 14x42 gearing with 16" tomos spokes and heidenau k55 tires. GPS'd at 57, peak power from 8k-12k and revs over 13.5k.