Bought this bike which started off as a kinda stock black targa lx. The kid here in Jersey I got it off of took the motor all apart and hand tightened all the bolts and nuts when he put it back together. So little by little EVERYTHING on it broke after I bought it. So pretty much this bike is completely worked. From the necessaties of 3 new clutch pads to the elaborate mikuni carb. The only 4 original stock pieces on it are the swing arm, rear springs, front forks, and the shell of the A35 motor. Everything else has been replaced and tastefully I think. Have all 4 new sealed bearings(6201) in five star rims that were originally gold that a friend gave me. And the rims are sitting on 2.75 heidenau tires.
Samm Yeakel:
Hey man I am building a super similar motor to yours...what intake are you using? Treatland is sold out of the weak-ends...
James Kopp:
How'd you do that seat job?
your mom:
Will Childs:
What pipe is that?