The motor on this bike came from the No-No's raffle bike a few years ago, once I got it I set to fixing a couple of things, proper reeds, head, clutch junk, I then swapped out the pipe, it had an MK3 pipe, which I do like on the 01's but it didnt work very well with the two speed, so I added the circuit. With the Blanco frame you have lots of clearance, something I have had issue with on other Morini accepting frames, so I added a bigger intake and the PHBG, this was a world of difference over the stock intake with a 15 Sha. The forks unlike all my other Blancos, which use Tomo, are from a Bravo, hence the larger 17in rim. This bike isnt terribly fast, probably 40-45 but man it gets there quick, gotta love the Morini game.