when I picked this bike up it was in a state but it was well worth it for what I got with it. It's been almost a year since I got this bike and I'm finally getting around to working on it. As far as engine and performance was concerned this bike was great, as far as comfort riding it, how it looked and it's legality it wasn't great, there were no light, the back of the frame was chopped off it has been made into a hardtail, and I got it with maxi length ebrs with a single ball bearing in the headset. Almost all the tabs were poorly ground off and it has a terrible rattle can paint job. All that is about to change. It's getting a new frame back end, new seats, magnum length ebr's, a trail tech striker computer, a tach. All new lights a 12 volt lighting coils converted to DC, a battery, all LED lights, a new dash, voltmeter, and two usb's for phone charging and tons more.
Jacob Felts:
@Ingo Bousa: it's still going to be super ratty, just a lot more practical and comfortable to ride, I just welded a new back onto the frame, going to put a picture up in a second.
Ingo Bousa:
I like it exactly how it looks in that pic, ratty ..except from that weird bicycle seat. Not sure about "two usb's for phone charging and tons more" ; ]