*******SOLD******** i may have sold it but it was my first bike and build and i loved that bike started out completely stock, and from there i kitted it took the seat pan off and removed the seat cover and built the custom seat cap and refoamed and screwed the seat cover back on. gulf inspired paint job rims painted black and spokes and hubs left the crusty aluminum silver color drop bars and hacked the fenders up miss that bike
Micahel Rishforth:
good to hear it Cody if you ever want to get rid of it...i will always be interested
Cody Frush:
I now own and love this bike. It does have a list of changes/repairs/additions to it, goes faster too. I am going to post it here on Garage when I finish up with what's getting done to it - it'll be done by the start of moped season, though.
dave malone:
Very nice
Andrew Scouten:
Ya its in Toledo now, and all the crazy problems it had when it arrived are now fixed!
Aaron Fogg:
It was listed in Dayton Ohio last year. I sent about 4 emails, but never got a response.
Micahel Rishforth:
really i sold this to a female rider who at the time lived up in Toledo about a year and a half ago I've never heard or seen anything about this bike after that...wish i could get it back
Aaron Fogg:
I tried to buy this bike last year on CL and I never got a response.