This Fa50 was picked up by a friend and painted camo and ridden for awhile then sold to a guy that couldn't keep it running and then to a cousin of mine who lost interest in it and after I traded a scooter motor ad some performance parts then I got to own this beast . The fa50 got a good scrub down and sanded paint primered and finish coat is actually laquer primer grey . Once I went through the rats nest of a wiring harness and got rid of some god aweful blinkers, front and rear rack and about 20 lbs . of other crap i started with a base noped at went 28mph and that wouldnt do . i added a mlm intake , 15mm sha carb and mlm peoples pipe . after rejetting i get a respectable 40mph unless its windy and might be about 38mph . For me not bad . Not the fastest ped but otherwise a solid and dependable bike .