Killerinc Salt Flats Special

by Yann Latour
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Inspired by the Salt Flats, 1970 Motobecane, chopped and boxed frame, GPR50 front end, swing arm, engine and wheels. 80cc Malossi, carb, custom intake manifold, Custom subframe/engine mount, 40s Motobecane bicycle saddle, Modified Doppler Motobecane pipe, Jockey shifter...!! Tons of fab....built with plans on running Bonneville in 2015. Still under construction!!


1970 Motobecane 40




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Rick Kouwen: Great bike, but you wanna run bonneville with a jockey shifter?

Yann Latour: Hey Larry! let me try to clarify a few things. First, you are right....theres no rad on it because the pics were taken while the bike was still under construction. But there is a rad on it now :) You are also right about the Heel rear brake. Also, Yes it is a rigid (hardtail) For me they just look cleaner and simpler i guess. And that red "lever" is the Jockey style shift lever. By the way, the bike does ride pretty nice. not an easy one to ride but soooo F'N wicked!! And it is still under construction...!! still tweeking and adding stuff to it. Guess i should put a few more pics to show progress.

Larry Degel: OK, OK; I get most of it, but I don't get some of it. Where's the radiator? Is that a heel pedal for the rear brake? Why only an inch or two of front suspension? I'll never understand hard tails. What's that lever for? Don't get me wrong. It's a great looking machine, and I imagine it runs good to boot. But??????

Delmer Buddy Totten: Damn you my eyes are burning!!

Iván Álvarez Díez: This is like a beast!

Andy: I....I don't even...

Josiah McCoy: Hot damn! I havent been on garage in only a week and i come in and BOOM! this thing is front page! holy shit this build is sex sex sex!!!

CornPed: wait. . . what?

Juliano Castilho: Great machine !!